Key Actions for Event Day
Having followed the guidelines detailed in this toolkit you should be approaching the day of the event confident about delivering a successful Community Games.
There are some key things to think about prior to the event day and on the morning itself:
- Some deliveries and set-up may need to take place the day prior to the event, so take this into account.
- Ensure that you are the first person to arrive at the venue and that you are there before any volunteers or suppliers. Arrival times should be detailed on the schedule for the day.
- Ensure that you have multiple copies of the build schedule and site maps along with any other key documents on event day.
- Create a folder with forms in such as lost/found property, missing/found persons. This should be kept at an information point throughout the day.
- Ensure that you have stationery supplies available for the information points. If utilising two-way radios, the controller of these should also be based here.
- If possible arrange a briefing session for key managers and volunteers early in the day – running through the key timings and responsibilities of the day for a last time.
- Ensure volunteers know where to meet on the day of the event and create some signs directing them and participants where to go.
- Ensure that you have the venue set up ready for participants and spectators to arrive at least 90 minutes prior than the publicised event start time.
- Never allow activities to commence without a recognised first aider in attendance.
- If using two-way radios conduct communications checks with all relevant volunteers prior to the event starting. Ensure that there is radio coverage throughout all points of the venue.
If you follow these guidelines and advice in the period just prior to the event, then you will be in a good position to deliver a very successful Community Games.
Top tip:
Get a good night’s sleep the night before the event!